
As freelance web developer I’ve been working at MoveNext on several websites.
Implementing designs and adding pages on top of their CMS, Latus.
For MoveNext I’ve worked on websites for Crucell, Burdock, Technocon and many others.
MoveNext / Latus


VriendenDivisie is a community site for casual football players to get together and schedule matches. The website is highly location based through Google maps and allows users to schedule matches on a location with a specified time. Users looking at the map near a location with matches are shown this location and can join the match.


The MigratieWijzer shows a map of Europe with all EU member countries highlighted, users can then select properties from a list they find valuable. For each property a slider appears which allows the user to select a range in which for that property.
All countries not within that range lose their highlight. So users can inform themselves which country adheres to the properties they value.


MijnIPTV is a system which provides an administrative interface for set top boxes and content providers for the boxes. It also contains web pages which are accessed through a set top box and only allows access to content the set top box is authorized to. Content providers have the ability to share their content with subscribers from other content providers. Each set top box has 999 channels which are either forced to certain content or users can set up their channels through a web interface. (I made the administrative part of the site, not the homepage)

Radial – Graph Exploration Visualisation Tool

A project I worked on at FreedomLab was the Radial a tool to visualize networks and allow the user to explore them. This entire project was build with JavaScript using the Dojo library. Dojo has an abstraction layer for vector graphic drawing which detects what technology the used browser supports and renders the visuals using that technology. Using this the radial can be rendered in both SVG and VML.
Not available on any public website.


At FreedomLab I worked on a knowledge management system based on WordPress called LiveFeed. LiveFeed facilitates storage for texts, images and videos and multiple ways to retrieve and view this information. LiveFeed has been transformed into a fully asynchronous site which put not only the display on the client side, but also the controls of the display, each action is handled through JavaScript.
Websites not publicly available

Ages of Strife

Ages of Strife is a persistent browser based game. It was my first attempt at creating a larger web project and I’ve used the site to test out many new things, such as a JavaScript/PHP chat system or a full site translation system. Over the years I’ve improved and expanded the game.

Eerlijk verdelen

This one allows children to create fraction problems using snacks, solve them and describe what they actually did in fractions.
Note: I’ve only listed 2 of the applets I wrote for the Freudenthal Institute, I’ve created many more though, which can be found at Rekenweb.